What is an BinanceChain?

BinanceChain will build up a Top 1 global transaction public blockchain with high performance. Public blockchain, just as its name implies, is a public blockchain specially for different transaction scenario. In consideration of its design and optimization for underlying code of this blockchain, it is not only able to ensure the safety and anonymity for decentralized transaction, but also to meet requirements high frequent transaction demands under different transaction scenario. BinanceChain not only supports the decentralized order book and Swap transaction, but also the oracle machine in the future, and furthermore various derivative transactions with leveraged and sustainable capacity. BNB is a value carrier of ecological BinanceChain, which will independently run the underlying accessibility of BinanceChain, enabling a grand ecological system of BinanceChain under powerful BinanceChain’s operative capacity.

What is gain pool of BNB?

Now BNB mining pool officially launches USDT-BNB transaction for mining services,
and PPS+ settlement available

10,000,000USDT BNB bonus pool
Join in Now

BNB Gain Rules

  • 0.0006 - 0.0600 BNB Daily coin numbers gained Valid coin numbers up to USDT 10-1000
  • 0.0700 - 0.7000 BNB Daily coin numbers gained Valid coin numbers up to USDT 1001-10000
  • 0.8 - 8 BNB Daily coin numbers gained Valid coin numbers up to USDT 10001-100000
  • 9 - 90 BNB Daily coin numbers gained Valid coin numbers up to USDT 100001-1000000

Distribution rules for mining gains

This BNB mining plan performs an incentive distribution method at BNB stages as per USDT coin asset ratio of BSC blockchain wallet, USDT of address holder up to 24hours, coin nos distributed as per system snapshoot, and distributed once as per one cycle period every 24 hours. Subject to the actually distributed incentives

Distribution rules of incentives for invitation

You can obtain your invitation links after you have successfully joined in mining pool

Distribution rules of incentives for invitation :Those who provide nodes to share BSC blockchain and USDT wallet with 10 USDT or above, each sharing will increase one valid coin mining address, and obtain 50% of 1 alternative address of mining BSC nos, more people invited, more incentives will be obtained.